The main vape event of the year in a new format

July 12-13, 2025
About the GVE
GLOBALVAPEXPO is a unique event that combines an expo platform for business and an exciting festival for visitors.
business forum
Networking, space for negotiations, round tables with discussions of topical issues, lectures by experts
GVE allows manufacturers, distributors, shops and other representatives of the industry to exchange experience, find new partners and conclude favourable deals, and gives visitors the opportunity to learn about the novelties of the sphere, meet the best brands of the world and just have a good time!
summer fest
Exciting show and entertainment all day long, top industry representatives, competitions and giveaways
Check out reports from past events,
to see how the GVEs are going!
ticket sales soon
Subscribe and we'll send you a personalised discount among the first.
No adverts or spam. Promo code only.
We collaborate with the best bloggers and most popular opinion leaders in the industry.
GVE is an opportunity to meet Influencers, discuss devices or exhibitions and even get into reviews!
we're covered
260 000+
435 000+
75 000+
210 000+
Kak Kuritsa
3 000+
15 000+
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